Botticelli: Il suo tempo. E il nostro tempo
(Botticelli: His time. And our time)
MART, Rovereto
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
22 MAY 2021 / 26 SEPTEMBER 2021

Shown above: Installation image, Rebirth of Venus, David LaChapelle (2009) on view next to Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli (1484-1486)
From the museum press release:
"Mart is once again crossing time boundaries to measure up artists and movements from different eras. Undisputed centre stage player in ‘his and our times’, Sandro Botticelli is present in Rovereto with a significant nucleus of masterpieces such as Pallade e il Centauro, from the Uffizi, Venere from Turin's Galleria Sabauda and Compianto sul Cristo morto on loan from the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan.
The first section of the exhibition, devoted to Botticelli and his workshop, presents the artist and his work as one of Lorenzo il Magnifico's favourites. The second part of the exhibition examines the way Botticelli has always been a source of inspiration through undisputed masterpieces of contemporary art from the 1960s to today.
Italian Pop artists such as Mario Ceroli, Giosetta Fioroni and Cesare Tacchi drew on his work as did Michelangelo Pistoletto and Renato Guttuso in a slightly later period. Botticelli's influence makes itself felt in the work of international artists such as Fernando Botero, David LaChapelle, Oliviero Toscani and John Currin, comes to life in fashion and film, makes its way onto the glossy magazine covers for which Kate Moss poses and shares the stage with the photos of the most important influencer in the world, Chiara Ferragni."
Visit the MART website here for information and tickets.